Dear Theoretical Physics, if we pass each other on the street in 10 years, will we even recognize each other?

Marjorie Schillo
6 min readApr 22, 2021

As I bid a fond farewell to academia, and an enthusiastic ‘Hello’ to world, I face the same questions that many have faced before me: “Am I starting over?” “What will I do? will it be fascinating, challenging, and rewarding?” “Should I still call myself a physicist?” In this project, I would like to focus on the question of my status as a physicist. The idea, as the title suggests, is to ask whether 10 years of progress will render theoretical physics unrecognizable. I am currently an expert in theoretical cosmology and string phenomenology, and very-well versed in high-energy theoretical physics in general… but for how long?

To answer this question, I will train a new expert, not just in high-energy theory, but in all subfields of physics. At least, I will train an expert AI to recognize and classify the abstract of a physics paper into its appropriate subfield. Then, I will train this AI specifically using physics papers published to the arXiv in, say, 2008, and see how well this AI performs on classifying papers published in 2018.

Other than answering questions pertaining to my current identity revolution (definitely not a crisis,) this type of analysis might be of interest to:

  • The history of physics: this tool has the ability to quantifiably identify paradigm shifts — pivotal points where the face of a field shifts so much that it becomes unrecognizable to experts of the past.
  • Journalists: it’s best to write articles about exciting, developing fields, but it is not necessarily easy for non-experts to identify which fields are progressing the fastest. This tool allows one see how many subfields are changing over time at a glance.
  • Grant writers: citation volume can vary widely over subfields, and furthermore can be the result of fads more so than long-lasting impactful papers. This analysis could supplement citations as a quantifiable indication that work in a certain year had major impact on the field. Extending this work with a principal component analysis, which identifies the most important words in describing a subfield, would further serve this purpose.
  • Decision making: another possible use is to help extremely indecisive authors who simply cannot decide which arXiv category to submit to; just download the model, feed it your abstract, and let the expert decide where your submission fits best.

Try it yourself!

Below I will describe my experiment, looking at 10 years of progress across 14 subfields, but if you’re interested, you can play with the code and run your own experiment. Check out the source, see more details, and a guide for easy use on my GitHub


I use the pre-trained bert-base-cased model provided by Google and the Transformers library provided by Hugging Face. The architecture as well as intuitive descriptions of how all the pieces work are provided by this tutorial. I train the AI to recognize physics subfields on Google Colab’s GPUs. Thanks everyone!

Other tools

  • PyTorch: provides all the deep learning tools and interfaces automatically with bert.
  • Dask.bag: provides familiar manipulation tools for dealing with the massive (2.9GB) arXiv metadata dataset with a small memory footprint.
  • All the usual suspects: pandas (dataframe manipulation,) sklearn (handy tools for setup and metrics for evaluation,) seaborn (pretty plots.)

So let’s clean and separate the data into the various training sets, fine tune the bert models — choosing hyper-parameters such as learning rate, batch size, and training epochs — and collect and analyze the results.


The arXiv has revolutionized the way we do physics. All physics papers are put onto the arXiv and everyday physicists browse their particular subfield like a newsfeed, checking out the latest developments. All papers are submitted to at least one subfield, but may be cross-listed to other subfields.

The subfields (also referred to as categories) that my AI can classify are:

The data cleaning process includes:

  • Removing sub-sub-fields, e.g. (cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics) and (astrophysics of galaxies) are lumped together in astro-ph.
  • Throwing out a few subfields that did not consistently have enough submissions/year: High Energy Physics-Lattice, Nuclear Experiment, Statistics, Quantitative Finance, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics
  • Cleaning up newline and other special characters and replacing all LaTeX mathematical equations with the word ‘equation’.

The data (i.e. the abstracts and their associated categories) was then split by year, with each year being balanced with respect to the categories. It was important to keep the dataset balanced (keep same number of papers for each category for each year) because I’d like to compare the accuracy of the model across categories. If the model finds it relatively difficult to classify astro-ph papers, I’d like that to be due to the content of the papers and not due to a deficit in the training data.


I trained two models: the “early” and the “late” model. The early model was trained using a dataset of papers from 2008, 2009, and 2010. The late model was trained using papers from 2018, 2019 and 2020. A span of three years was used to increase training set size and prevent overfitting the data. Each dataset was balanced across categories and contained 21,000 abstracts which were then divided using a 90/5/5 split for training/validation/test sets (retaining balance across categories.)

To prevent overfitting I used a dropout rate of .5, and also used an early stopping condition if the validation loss increased by 30% from its initial value.


I evaluate the models on the test set separated out from the training data, and also on equally sized and balanced datasets comprised of papers from each of the intervening years: 2011–2017. The results bear out the naive expectation, the early model is better at classifying papers in the beginning of the intervening years, and the late model is better towards the end, with a cross-over at 2013.
The models are “pretty good” with the early model getting 74.6% correct on the early papers, and the late model getting 77.1% correct on the late papers.
However, for the 14 categories we are classifying, this is over 10 times better than random. Also, these are highly technical texts with a lot of jargon; I would be interested to know my own accuracy… but I don’t have time to read all those abstracts right now.

One subtlety is the fact that some papers are only submitted to one subfield, whereas many papers submitted to a main subfield and then cross-listed to several others. These latter papers may straddle sub-fields and make classifying difficult, whereas single-category submissions should be more representative of their category and therefore easier to classify. Indeed, accuracy is substantially higher for single-category submissions.

A clear extension of this project is to make a multi-label classifier to pick up the cross-listed categories. This would be a simple matter of adding some labels and removing the softmax function so that classification is not exclusive. However, for this project I am more interested in looking at the evolution of the subfields and therefore looking at single-category submissions is a better indicator. (This of course misses trends associated to two subfields coming together and suggests a possible extension.)

To look at the evolution of subfields I evaluated the early model on a test sets containing only single-category submissions from each of the intervening years. The accuracy per category data is shown below.

A subfield’s accuracy staying flat may be interpreted as stagnation, while accuracy decreasing rapidly and steadily may indicate progress. Meanwhile, sharp dips in accuracy which only last for a year appear to be fads. The odd case of accuracy increasing steadily perhaps indicates that a major event happened directly before the early model years and coming to dominate the field more and more. As mentioned above, a principal component analysis as a function of year would provide much more insight into the underlying source of perceived fads and progress.


This was a toy project just to get a bit of experience with natural language processing tools. But still all comments, suggestions, critiques are welcome!

